Simply put, alchemist should prioritize everything around investors both token holders and LP.
Investors are the life blood of the alchemist ecosystem and their value has been extracted by politics and mismanagement etc, the MIST/ETH pair at near bootstrap levels speaks volumes.
Keep it simple, protect the price. And everyone benefits, holders, teams, core…EVERYONE.
A substantial decrease or pause to inflation. Treasury/Core team allocation from inflation to 0 as reserves are already high and not being utilized. Profitable teams should no longer be paid from inflation as it is was designed to incubate/bootstrap new labs. Teams currently receive a salary, this amount should be valued in USD and this cost deducted from team profits, leave the remainder to split between alchemist investors and the respective team. This is a dynamic adjustment based on the teams operating cost valued in USD and may be renegotiated but some baseline should be set now.
Funds from inflation should strictly go to aludel and incubating potentially profitable tech not DJs, meme contests, artwork, social media, marketing teams,twitter,reddit etc. Community is such an overused word, if you want to excite the community price speaks volume. Investors take on the risk to incubate new labs, some may not be profitable for a long time, some will be more profitable than others. Profit from these teams needs to be weighted towards investors. As a matter of austerity something 80/20 might even be considered for a period for time too. Teams can also be investors, there’s no reason why a team cannot stake or provide LP too. Much rather team members be holders than accused of front running news to pump/dump token.
People persistently have been asking for a staking option, lets get mist into more hands and give them a reason to hold it without the cumbersome costs associated with minting crucibles and create/depositing. For example maybe crucible team manages investment strategies. Take a percentage of team profits or treasury and invest them in other projects/tokens/crv pools.
A crv stable pool as a depository for a profits where the yield can be paid back into aludel lp/stakers while simultaneously assist in stabilization of price. Every quarter the crv stable pool can be harvested to deposit back into the aludel and/or stakers. A MIST-USDC/DAI pool for the aludel program might also be an option to stablize our price.
Alchemist as a project unfortunately (not by design) has simply extracted value out of LP providers, we need to onboard new LP and holders. If our primary focus should be to stabilize the lp pair and/or increase the price/volume. Protecting price then protects investors which creates value for new labs and existing.
Thank you for your consideration.